Bertoia Diamond Chair | Armchair | Bronze/Leather

€ 2049.00
Available to order
Shipping in 6 weeks from the receiving payment date. Delivery on the floor and assembly service on request.
shipping cost: € 100.00
Code: P7180

The Bertoia Diamond Chair, designed in 1951 by Harry Bertoia, is a chair made of steel wire resting on thin rod legs, a sort of metallic version of the hammock. The past as a sculptor of the famous designer is evident in this seat with a light aesthetic, capable of raising the expressive qualities of an industrial material such as steel in a three-dimensionality typical of sculpture. Lightweight and easily transportable, the Diamond Chair ranks among the most recognized creations of mid-century modern design and is a proud part of Knoll's heritage. The Rilsan painting makes it also perfect for the outdoors.

Technical details


  • Bronze - 421 L BRMK


  • Volo VO947 leather cushion

Dimensions (cm)

  • W. 85 cm - D. 75 cm - H 75 cm

Structure material

  • welded steel at each intersection


  • Harry Bertoia



Materials and finishes


Bertoia Diamond Chair | Armchair | Bronze/Leather